Fritz Mayr — 2023 — Before our time

Fritz Mayr — 2023 — Before our time

The tireless master of traditional electronics Fritz Mayr has released a new album — «Before our time».

The author's preface to this release is quite short:

"Before our time tells the story when there were no people on planet earth. It was the time of the dinosaurs."

— just a couple of suggestions. The tracklist is a match for that — three extended ambient canvases with extremely slow development, delicious sequences, however, which are yet to be expected — everything, as is customary in the classical electronics of the Berlin School. However, the third track reveals a subtle, I would even say — exquisite — melody, which is woven into no less elegant arpeggios.

To be honest, there are no direct parallels with the era of dinosaurs in the album — at least at the level of onomatopoeia and characteristic special effects and timbres. I would define the picture that the mind draws when listening to this music as «The Sky of the Age of Dinosaurs», since the entire album is saturated with just cosmic vibrations. And as astronomers well know, tens of millions of years ago, completely different stars burned in the Earth's sky, otherwise the Milky Way lay, well, asteroids sometimes "cut" us in space orbit. Yes — that's about it and is depicted on the cover of the new album.

The album is published on the author's Bandcamp. I listened to it with pleasure and recommend it to every true connoisseur of real electronic music.

I express my deep respect and gratitude to Fritz Mayr for his sincere and abundant creativity.

Fritz Mayr
