New albums by composer Andrey Klimkovsky and his «HEAVEN» project — «past - music - future» and «singularitime»

New albums by composer Andrey Klimkovsky and his «HEAVEN» project — «past - music - future» and «singularitime»

Two long-awaited albums of the «HEAVEN» project, which began back in 2003, were released week ago — July 24, 2024. More than 20 years passed between the first album — «sad & soli music» — and its two sequels — «past — music — future» and «singularitime». Several times the composer took up the development of the started theme, but for one reason or another the creative process did not lead to anything significant. A couple of examples of such attempts are now available as bonus tracks to the first album.

However, in mid-2022, work in this direction suddenly intensified, and the new album was almost ready when the author had to switch to another musical project. At 85% readiness, the album dozed until mid-2024. And by that time, the third album was already completely finished, which the composer considered inappropriate to release before the second. But completing the second album now did not take much time, and both albums were completed virtually simultaneously — in July 2024.

There is something very relevant to this music on the surface in the history of its creation. Both albums are devoted to futuristic themes and — each in its own way — describe the possible future of Humanity, which is impossible to predict if we rely only on logic and accumulated experience. The author sincerely believes that in the very near future our development will be largely determined by events that are irrational from the point of view of common sense, but fit well into the context of a creative and mystical perception of reality. Music can become one of the guides to the future and ways of accepting it. And the very non-linear creation of two albums, when the third album outpaced the second, only confirms the idea that the approaching prospects are already losing their connection to the one-dimensional flow of time, branching out, becoming multi-variant, which means that similar qualities will be required of us, reciprocal interactivity, the ability to accept many things not with reason, but with feelings.

Album «past - music - future» • Project «HEAVEN» • Composer Andrey Klimkovsky


Album «singularitime» • Project «HEAVEN» • Composer Andrey Klimkovsky

